Thursday, May 21, 2009

Lost For Words...

Hmm...the title sounds like a nice name for a blog but that's not what this post is about.

Are there some days you wake up and you're lost for words? Not that something extremely good or bad has happened...then you'd probably be crying and understandably words would refuse to form in your mouth?

No that's not what I mean...Can you imagine a Bookaholic lost for words despite being constantly surrounded by words. Well today I've hit a 'blogger's block' (wish my other half Bookaholic was here) but I'll persevere as the writers advise.

On Bookaholic with Bella this week, I reviewed Toni Kan's Songs of Absence and Despair and despite receiving numerous 'missed calls' only one person 'texted' in the answer. So I have to 'text' the person details on collection of the autographed copy of the book.

Seems like I'm not doing bad...

As for the Bookaholic Club

-There will be 1 book featured every month.

-The book of the month will be offered at a discount to all members

-There will be several fora to discuss and comment on the book including cyberspace

-Most importnatly, registration is free and joining the Bookaholic Blog is strongly advised

We hope to start the Bookaholic Club this July, so keep sending in your this space!

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