The interview series with the minds behind the 'In My Dreams, It was Simpler' book project continues. Meet Light Her Lamp.
Why and how did you become a part of the “In My Dreams it was Simpler” project?

Tolu Popoola (‘Favoured Girl’) thought about this wonderful idea of writers coming together to do the series, and she invited me to be on the team. I was really excited about the opportunity to be creative and I said “yes.”
Which of the characters did you voice/write? Dolapo
What did you hope to achieve with the character? My vision was to write in such a way that when people read about her they would see a strong woman intensely passionate about God. I hope readers see from Dolapo’s story, no matter who we choose to be in life, difficulties will readily come and decisions will have to be made. What matters most are the final decisions we make and the prices we must pay for them.
How did you connect that character to the whole plot of the story? I didn't have any difficulties in connecting Dolapo to the bigger story because it began with 6 friends who already had a very rare unbreakable bond.
Were there any challenges writing from just one perspective? Yes, there were challenges. It is indeed a very tedious task to try to get into the mind of another writer to continue from where they left off. Especially when I feel that the outcome should have been different than what they wrote. Yet, it has been an enjoyable task because it sort of forces us to show our creative juices.
What one lesson did you learn from this ‘group’ experience? I am constantly learning that people see the world in different ways, and form their own very strong opinions, that most times are hard to change.
What books are you currently reading? I am on the second book of Francine Rivers’ Trilogy (The Mark of the Lion Series: An Echo in the Darkness). I also started reading “The Shack” simultaneously.
What is the last thing you read that made you laugh? A cartoon on “Patience” that I found on Seye Kuyinu’s blog a couple of days ago. So this guy is desperately trying to learn about patience, and his friend goes like, “You have to learn to be patient,” and this guy gives this very insane response, “LEARN? I WANT TO BE PATIENT NOW!” I thought that was really funny.
In your view, how has internet changed the face of publishing? With absolutely great interfaces like LULU and Freado, and also with the current popular social media (twitter, facebook, networked blogs, technorati and the rest) which authors can use to integrate their books into the minds of people, I think the internet has totally made publishing easier.
What’s your take on the Nigerian publishing scene? I think it is improving because of the younger generation who are daring to publish their poems (like Chiedu Ifeozo), short stories, novellas and novels (Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie). Also with a company such as Kachifo Limited, Farafina magazine, and even the Bookaholic blog, the Nigerian publishing scene is getting pretty famous.
List five of your favorite blogs and why?
I have many favourites but I will list some that stand out to me:
- “D Unspoken Word” (written by Kafo) - I love this blog because the writer is a down-to-earth person. As much as she loves her faith she tends to write more about her trials, temptations, and how she gets back to knowing that God is true and real and that she cannot escape from His love, even if she tries.
- “It was so much Easier when I Only had One” (by Solomonsydelle): First of all the name of the blog got me laughing when I first saw it. I already knew she would be funny. I read her blog because I love the way she combines family with humour. Her kids are so notorious they will get you rolling on your floor in pain from laughing too hard.
- “A Day in God’s Will,” (written by Remi, United Kingdom) - I read Remi’s post simply because they make me want to be a better person. I feel like she could be an actual teacher in a classroom setting because the way she highlights her points is unique. I love her even more because the Word of God is her guide in what she writes
- As Jaja Was Saying, a blogger whose diction makes me scratch my head. He never has a fixed theme, but all of his posts are thought-provoking. I actually don’t have access to his blog anymore(I think he still writes but now has restricted viewing) so if he’s reading this, grant me access (lol). More than that anyway, I liked reading his blog because I felt I could learn from the way he used words only a dictionary-reader would use, and it didn’t stop there. He made me want to err...turn the pages.
- “The Chronicles of the Life of a Stranger Called Me,” she always has some thought-provoking things to say so you have to be ready to learn great things as you crawl on her page.
- Verastically Living, she’s a natural at making people laugh. I love her sense of humour and I think she’ll go places with it.
What are you scared of? That all good things must eventually come to an end. It’s a scary thing.
What inspires your writing? God. Him and His constant love for people who keep turning their backs on Him.
What is the worth of a book? The worth of a book lies in each reader. Every reader has a different life experience and will get something different from their counterpart sitting on the next chair reading the same book.
Who are your literary heroes? I read Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe as a child and was transported to a world of literary genius that I never knew existed. I think Achebe got me into the habit of reading books, a habit I pray never dies. So I will give credit to him as my literary hero.
What does it mean to be a writer? A writer is someone who can stir emotions by using correct grammatical tools. Now to be a “good writer” transcends that description. I don’t think someone who merely writes words on a page is a good writer, but if those words can make me smile, laugh, cry, and think (very) deeply all at a go, you’ve got a fan in me.
What does the future hold for you, as a writer, blogger or anything else? I hope to keep writing in the future. I have some projects I’m currently working on. I pray that God guides me in the right path as a writer, because I believe He’s the One who ordains our steps in the right direction.