Farafina Trust, a non-profit organization established to promote reading and writing organises the creative writing workshop every year for aspiring writers (more about Farafina Trust here)
Well, this year’s workshop ends on Saturday, 2nd of July, 2011 with a literary evening at the Grand Ballroom of the Eko Hotel & Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos where certificates will be presented to all the participants. Asides this presentation, there will be readings by several African authors; Chimamanda Adichie, Eghosa Imasuen, Binyavanga Wainaina, Jumoke Verrissimo, Odia Ofeimun among others.
There would be also be live musical performances, book signings and of course, your favourite Farafina titles at very affordable prices!
You are sure to have a swell time so be there!
*Event starts at 3pm and is free to attend so please bring a friend along!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Call for Submission: Outcasts
Writers from Africa and Asia are asked to submit short stories for an anthology of the two continents. The writers can be on the respective continents or in the Diaspora but it is necessary that their stories
deal with the topic as experienced by Africans/Asians.
Topic - Outcasts (contemporary or historical, adult audience)
Length - 3000-5000 words
Submissions Deadline- August 1st 2011
Remuneration- Shall be discussed upon selection of your short story as part of the anthology. You will know by September 30th.
Editors - Writers Rohini Chowdhury and Zukiswa Wanner
The editors will need some written commitment from writers on whether they will be submitting something by May 30th. We kindly request no poetry or non-fiction. Purely short stories. Please submit a short two-line introduction about yourself with your story. If this exciting project interests you as a writer, kindly get in touch with rohini.chowdhury@gmail.com / wanner.zukiswa@gmail.com
Monday, June 27, 2011
...On the Caine Prize
So the Caine Prize shortlist was realeased. And the names on the shortlist are:
- NoViolet Bulawayo (Zimbabwe) ‘Hitting Budapest’ from ‘The Boston Review’ Vol 35, no. 6 - Nov/Dec 2010
- Beatrice Lamwaka (Uganda) ‘Butterfly dreams’ from ‘Butterfly Dreams and Other New Short Stories from Uganda’ published by Critical, Cultural and Communications Press, Nottingham, 2010
- Tim Keegan (South Africa) ‘What Molly Knew’ from ‘Bad Company’ published by Pan Macmillan SA, 2008
- Lauri Kubuitsile (Botswana) ‘In the spirit of McPhineas Lata’ from ‘The Bed Book of Short Stories’ published by Modjaji Books, SA, 2010
- David Medalie (South Africa) ‘The Mistress’s Dog’ from ‘The Mistress’s Dog: Short stories 1996-2010’ published by Picador Africa, 2010
You can read their stories by following the links on the Caine Website.
Ikhide Ikheloa wrote two piece on Next criticising many of the writers' portrayal of Africa as still pandering to Western taste. Yes Africa is bush. Africa is hungry children. And wars. He calls them outmoded stereotypes:
"The mostly lazy, predictable stories that made the 2011 shortlist celebrate orthodoxy and mediocrity. They are a riot of exhausted clichés even as ancient conflicts and anxieties fade into the past tense: huts, moons, rapes, wars, and poverty. The monotony of misery simply overwhelms the reader. Fiammetta Rocco, the Economist’s literary editor who chaired last year’s judges, crows that the stories are “uniquely powerful.” The stories are uniquely wretched. The chair of this year’s judges Hisham Matar declares presumptuously that the stories “represent a portrait of today’s African short story: its wit and intelligence, its concerns and preoccupations.” Really? Is this the sum total of our experience, this humourless, tasteless canvas of shiftless Stepin Fetchit suffering?"
He raises the fundamental question that has been raised in the past (Flashback to Binyavanga's "How to Write about Africa" in Granta). How should writers write about Africa? Is there just one way (most times the negative!) of writing about Africa? By the way, these stereotypes, these characters, these environments, are they not with us? Only that with us are also uplifting people and stories that make you smile.
For me, I think the issue is not much with the writers; maybe it lies more with the judges. I figure (and hope) that some stories without the 'outmoded stereotypes' were submitted. Maybe it didn't catch the judges' fancies. Maybe. Now this is even just hypothetical. Maybe we need more 'different' stories. Stories that are not stuck in the past. What do you think?
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Molara Wood's "Free Rice" in Per Contra: Short and haunting story. Save the Rice, a load carrier screamed instead for his life as he was swept off by a tide.
"A deafening splash, and I froze. My load-carrier had disappeared, fallen off the bridge. The river lapped violently around the brown sack below. No sign of him. A scream escaped me. I hurried down the side of the bridge and passers-by followed. We spotted the man’s head bobbing in and out of the water, arms flailing. Not a swimmer, he was being borne away in the fast flowing river. Men dived in.
“Save the rice, don’t save me!” the load-carrier shouted. He tried to tread water, away from the rescuers. “I can’t pay!”
"How Not to Be Unfaithful" by Sarah Evans
"Love does not come in a fixed supply, not like brain cells, or ova. It does not gradually get used up, like the perfume you dab behind your ears. Spreading it more widely does not diminish each person’s share."
Harabella by Biram Mboob in Granta Mag
"Sultan had elected to work at the Creek, because it was a solitary job. He wasn’t any good with people because he was neither one thing nor the other. There might have been places in the world where this would be an advantage, but Harabella was not one of them. The Plantation was not some anonymous City or backward tribal homeland. It was a place of work, a place of structure, supply depots and schedules. Things had to be very clear in a place like this, and Sultan was anything but. Protocol understood this perhaps, and allowed him the job. So he stayed here, alone with his pets."
African Cities Reader: Free download here
10 Micro Short Stories by Alex Epstein in Guernica Mag
The Woman Who Repaired Time Machines
Exactly like her mother, who taught her the secrets of the profession, she patches together the cracked axles of their obsolete time machines, and listens to all of their tall tales, and raises her daughter alone in the house on the hill. Maybe a day will come and she’ll say to one of them—maybe the one who doesn’t remember that he already recited a Cummings poem to her, maggie and milly and molly and may went down to the beach to play one day; or maybe the one who always cuts himself more than once while shaving; or maybe to someone else, who still hasn’t arrived at her time—“If time travel were possible, nobody would stay in this time.”
Crazy Glue by Etgar Keret
"I got home early. I said ‘Hi’ as I walked in, but there was no reply. I went through all the rooms in the house. She wasn’t in any of them. On the kitchen table I found the tube of glue, completely empty. I tried to move one of the chairs, to sit down. It didn’t budge. I tried again. Not an inch. She’d glued it to the floor. The fridge wouldn’t open. She’d glued it shut. I didn’t understand what was happening, what would make her do such a thing. I didn’t know where she was. I went into the living-room to call her mother’s. I couldn’t lift the receiver; she’d glued that too. I kicked the table and almost broke my toe. It didn’t even budge. "
Have a great weekend people!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Book n Gauge at Debonairs
Book 'n' Gauge is a monthly literary event for book lovers and literatis to interact with writers and intellectuals, and engage with books. The event which holds every last Saturday of the month provides a rare platform for literary enthusiasts to meet, rant, interact and network with one another. Book 'n' Guage is the brainchild of PulpFactionClub and Wordsmithy media.
The first in the series will host readings by from:
• Jude Dibia, author of Walking With Shadows, Unbridled (winner of the 2007 NDDC/ANA sponsored Ken Saro-Wiwa Prize for Prose and finalist in the 2007 NLNG Nigeria Prize for Literature) and recently Published, Blackbird.
• Odili Ujubuonu, author of Pregnancy of the Gods (Winner, 2006 ANA/Jacaranda Prize for Prose), Treasure in the Winds (winner, 2008 ANA/Chevron Prize on Environmental Issues) and the recently Published, Pride of the Spider Clan.
• Engaging discussions with Jude and Odili;
• Question and Answer sessions
• Networking;
• Freebies and giveaways;
• Live musical performances by: Femi Kayode, Gaise, D-TONE
• Book signing;
• Poetry Jam
Date: Saturday, 25th June 2011 @ Debonair Bookstore, 294, Herbert Macaulay Way, Sabo, Yaba.
Time: 3pm - 6pm.
Compere: Denrinsola Ajao ( Journalist and Publicist)
Admission is FREE!
Don’t come alone.
For enquiries:
Call: 07032487012
Follow us on twitter @pulpfactioner or Join us on Facebook
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Cecilia Unaegbu Flash Fiction Contest
The contest is now open for the above prize and closes on July 17 2011. Anyone from any country is eligible for this contest. Entrants are to submit only one true flash story of not more than 750 words on the theme: Women as Vessel of Honour. Entry is free.
Soft copy of entry to be submitted as attached file in MSWord to lionlordjeff@yahoo.com with the subject: Cecilia Unaegbu Prize. The name, phone number, address and pasted self photographs of entrants to be provided in MS Word in a second attached file.
Entrants should make sure not to provide their particulars within the body of the story. This is to help for fair judgement. Any entry submitted without heed to the above conditions will be disqualified.
Special consideration will be given to stories that celebrate the virtuous woman in the authors' lives by reconstructing for history an unforgettable virtuous action(s) done by such a woman. Masterful use of rich language, engaging imagery and cohesive plot are buzz skills for the prize too.
Public announcement of winners will be made in early September 2011, first at the launching of four books by her son, Jeff Unaegbu and in other media.
First prize: 15,000 Naira
Second prize: 10,000 Naira
Third prize: 5,000 Naira
and 10 consolation prizes.
All thirteen winners will be published in an anthology which will also contain the biographies of famous women of virtue from guest authors including the biography of Mrs. Cecilia Unaegbu with the title: Women of Virtue Book of Fame.
Competition judge: Unoma Azuah
Contact Information:
For inquiries: lionlordjeff@yahoo.com
For submissions: lionlordjeff@yahoo.com
All the best people!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
...Jalaa Writers' Collective
Jalaa Writers’ Collective is a publishing initiative consisting of nine notable Nigerian writers. Members are united by the common purpose of using their collective power to achieve individual writing goals. Read more about JWC on their website. The following books have now been released by JWC:
Pride of the Spider Clan by Odili Ujubuonu
Book description: 398 pages
ISBN 978978125326
Trade paperback
Published April 2011
Praise for the book:
Odili Ujubuonu’s masterful novel about group survival and loyalty to kinship set in pre-colonial Nigeria is enthralling, enriching and awesome…This extraordinary book is one of the best novels I have read in years – Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo
About the author: Odili Ujubuonu’s debut novel, Pregnancy of the Gods was an instant success. Since then, he has published follow-ups, Treasure in the Winds and Pride of the Spider Clan. The three books are woven around a magical instrument – sacred flute – lost and sought in communities around the lower Niger Delta. Pregnancy of the Gods won the 2006 ANA/Jacaranda Prize for Prose while Treasure in the Winds won the 2008 ANA/Chevron Prize on Environmental issues and was also nominated for the Nigeria Prize for Literature 2008. Ujubuonu has practised Advertising since 1991.
Roses and Bullets by Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo
Book description: 518 pages
ISBN 9789789125302
Trade paperback
Published April 2011
Praise for the book: This is a compelling and riveting narrative, executed in a haunting style. Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo writes with the ferocity of a barbed arrow: straight from the quiver of the heart to the target of another heart. The result is a lyrical tale that is experimentally rich and enriching, a veritable mosaic of the human condition. – James tar Tsaaior.
About the author: Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo is a professor of English at the University of Lagos. She is the author of several novels, poetry collections and children literature. A joint winner of the Nigeria Prize for Literature (2007), Adimora-Ezeigbo has, over the years, won numerous literary awards and has undertaken reading tours locally and internationally.

Blackbird by Jude Dibia
Book description: 322 pages
ISBN 9789789125319
Trade paperback
Published April 2011
Praise for the book:
Blackbird is an important modern novel by a contemporary writer. It pushes beyond Walking with Shadows and the prize winning Unbridled into new territory – Independent reviewer.
About the author: Jude Dibia is the author of two well received novels; Walking with Shadows (2005) and Unbridled (2007). Dibia’s novels have been described as daring and controversial by readers and critics in and out of Africa. Walking with Shadows is said to be the first Nigerian novel that has a gay man as its central character and that treats his experience with great insight, inviting a positive response to his situation. Unbridled, too, stirred some controversy on its publication; a story that tackled the emancipation of its female protagonist who had suffered from incest and abuse from men. Unbridled was awarded the 2007 Ken Saro-Wiwa Prize for Prose (sponsored by NDDC/ANA) and was a finalist in the 2008 Nigeria Prize for Literature (sponsored by NLNG).
Dibia’s short stories have been featured in the Caine Prize Anthology (2010) and One World: A Global Anthology of Short Stories as well as on various online literary journals. Dibia was a recipient of a Commonwealth Highly Commended Award for his short story ‘Somewhere’ in 2010.

The Runaway Hero by Uche Umezurike
Book description: 104 pages
ISBN 9789789142484
Large square paperback
Published April 2011
Praise for the book:
Kachi aka Runaway Hero is the very likeable protagonist of this book. Just when it seems that things can’t get any worse for him, his luck turns, and so does that of the orphanage in which he lives with his best friend, Nomso and other boys his age. Kachi’s adventures provide a thrilling page turner for any child who has ever dreamed. – Chika Unigwe
About the author: Uche Peter Umez was born in Lagos, but now lives in Owerri, with his charming wife, and their children. His children’s novella, Sam and the Wallet, was winner of the ANA/Funtime Prize for Children’s Fiction, 2006, and runner-up for the 2007 Nigeria Prize for Literature.
For a list of outlets where JWC books are stocked, visit the JWC Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jalaa-Writers-Collective/109002779156435).
All enquiries should be directed to:
pr@jalaawriters.com or jalaa.write@gmail.com
Phone: 08181953753
Website: www.jalaawriters.com
Expect interviews with writers and give-aways here soon.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Here are some links we've been reading online. Take a plunge! Start bookmarking!
Ayobami Adebayo: For the latest info in the world of writing; for the sweet short stories and for always updating. Kudos to Ayobami Adebayo!
Writer Unboxed: They have many writers that share their perspectives on the art of fiction. They have a huge list of book blogs you can bookmark ;)
H-NET: with the info from all over the world on the latest opportunities, especially for writers and academics
Jennifer Egan, award winning writer on her writing
Interesting Letters to Editors. And sort of has mistakes you should not make when sending a query! Learn from the best..oops worst ;)
An interesting Interview with Seun Kuti "politics you can dane to"
Have a great weekend Bookaholics!
Ayobami Adebayo: For the latest info in the world of writing; for the sweet short stories and for always updating. Kudos to Ayobami Adebayo!
Writer Unboxed: They have many writers that share their perspectives on the art of fiction. They have a huge list of book blogs you can bookmark ;)
H-NET: with the info from all over the world on the latest opportunities, especially for writers and academics
Jennifer Egan, award winning writer on her writing
Interesting Letters to Editors. And sort of has mistakes you should not make when sending a query! Learn from the best..oops worst ;)
An interesting Interview with Seun Kuti "politics you can dane to"
Have a great weekend Bookaholics!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
ENGAGING ESSENTIALS on the Saraba Workshop
Late last month, Saraba Mag organised a writing workshop in Ife. Here's a concise report. More power to your elbow Saraba. Here's to years of publishing!
Our decision to hold a writing workshop was motivated by the need to engage with a wider, less virtual, audience of emerging writers. In a little above two years of operation, Saraba published the work of over hundred emerging writers, of both Nigerian, African and non-African descent. Yet, it seemed Saraba was only read by people introduced to our work online; and it is clear that there are more people offline than online in Nigeria, for instance.
We started Saraba in Ile-Ife, in the Obafemi Awolowo University campus, where from previous engagements I can tell that there are a good number of students interested in honing their craft. So, we set up an application system, talked with the management of the newly commissioned Natural History Museum, and printed publicity materials, with the hope that about 40 people would apply to be part of the workshop. Of course, knowing we had no funding, it seemed consequential to ask participants to pay a tuition fee.
We got less than ten applications, disappointingly, but this turned out to be a blessing in disguise. One student gave the excuse that Continuous Assessment Tests were on, and the price was too high – of course these were excuses, and we kept deaf ears to any insinuation for postponement or reduction of tuition fee (participants were required to pay the sum of N3, 500).
The participants included Mobolaji Atolagbe, Ayomipo Adegeye, Damilola Daramola, Odunuga Busola, Tobi Adebowale, Onobraekpeyan Efeoghene, Ilori Tomiwa, Adebola Ajiboye, Emeka Oyiana, and our Publishing Assistant, Yemi Soneye. The Facilitators included Saraba’s publishers and editors – Damilola Ajayi and Biyi Olusolape (Poetry); Ayobami Famurewa and Emmanuel Iduma (Fiction); and Arthur Anyaduba (Non-Fiction).
The first day, 26 May, began with a talk by Emmanuel Iduma titled “On Alternative Careers and Artistic Practice,” which was hinged on the contemplation of merging the creative life with other career pursuits. We also had the opportunity of watching the video of Chris Abani’s talk in TED (2007). The video stimulated a long conversation on narrative and Africa, as well as a brief consideration of what it meant to be African, to write about Africa, and the ideal African representation in a work. And then Arthur Anyaduba gave a talk on “A Diverse Mind: The Artist as a Learner” in which he declared that all artists, not less writers, were ‘mad’ people.
But Arthur’s declaration was less controversial than the second day’s conversation between the facilitators and participants. Tagged “Learning to Write – A Case for Teaching Creative Writing,” the facilitators were unevenly divided on the question of whether anyone can be taught to write, or what was the basic purport of creative writing schools. We watched the second video with relative peace – a short video by MIT’s The Media Lab, which raised the question of whether technology can be humanized. We had, from the first day, asked participants to write their reactions to the videos. This gave us the opportunity to receive and be engaged with a wide range of thought and perspective for subjects raised in the video.
Damilola Ajayi’s talk “The Artist and An Imagined Audience” seemed to probe the question of who the writer was writing for, whether a writer is an audience as much as a reader is. This talk was followed by a roundtable discussion of the work of participants. More participants were interested in fiction, and so we decided it was better if we sat in a single group and listened to participants read a part of their work and then talk about each work. Our final talk for the day was by Ayobami Famurewa who spoke on “Signposts on the Road to Publishing” which gave participants the opportunity to have a brief insight into the enterprise of publishing on a national and international scale.
I believe the first two days built a momentum for the third, by which time Biyi Olusolape had arrived to join other facilitators. His talk centred on the need to reinvent the internet by artistic means, which seemed to have corroborated the amazing work of JR, French winner of the TED Prize 2011, whose video on TED we watched. After this, we listened to each participant and facilitator respond to “What I would like to read,” under one minute. This was followed by further interaction between the facilitators and participants on work produced by participants. Unlike the day before, there were two groups for fiction and one group for poetry, which made our interaction intense and individual.
Perhaps our most ambitious project was a sort of ‘city meet-up.’ We walked from the location of the workshop to the campus bus-stop. We tasked ourselves with writing what we observed, under 15 minutes. This proved revealing and one participant, in his response, said it made him see things about the University he had never seen before. The final event of the workshop was a conversation between the facilitators on publishing and reading culture in Nigeria, and Saraba’s role in publishing and (re)building a reading culture. (All Talks by facilitators and this conversation are available for download on our website. Please see www.sarabamag.com/workshop for photos of the workshop and for download links).
So, did we set out to achieve what we imagined? It is difficult to make bold claims, and I avoid such. We had blessings, and perhaps it is only our financial projection that fell flat. Our blessings, in disguise, included a good rapport with the Museum Staff (the kindness of Dr (Mrs) Yetunde Taiwo and Professor O. Ige is notable). Of course, there was the blessing of the small size of participants which helped us to achieve an intense process. And then, this enabled us to define and refine the fraternity that exists amongst us, those of us who work together for the apparent reason that we are friends, first, before colleagues. I think our friendship is important for what we are doing – otherwise a cashless enterprise like ours might have floundered a long time ago.
More importantly, I believe we engaged, for the first time, with the physicality and essentiality of our goal. Can young emerging writers be given the opportunity to grow? We have said yes to this every time, this time no less different.
We have set up a post-workshop process, in which participants are to work with us for a period of 6 months, sending in their work and having our responses monthly. I like this, because I think it is more important than the workshop itself. And more fruitful.
This is the first of a series of workshop; we do not know when a second would take place. But I have always thought that Saraba’s walk, in any direction, always begins like a blind man’s walk in the rain. His eyes usually open as soon as he takes his second step.
We shall take a second step, because growth is essential.
Emmanuel Iduma
Monday, June 13, 2011
...Quotes on Words
"Our words should be purrs instead of hisses." - Kathrine Palmer Peterson
"Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary."- Kahlil Gibran
"The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right place but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment."- Dorothy Nevill
"The six most important words: I admit I made a mistake The five most important words: You did a good job The four most important words: What is your opinion? The three most important words: If you please The two most important words: Thank you The one least important word: I."- Anonymous
"So difficult it is to show the various meanings and imperfections of words when we have nothing else but words to do it with."- John Locke
"The teachings of elegant sayings should be collected when one can. For the supreme gift of words of wisdom, Any price will be paid."- Siddha Nagarjuna
"To me, the greatest pleasure of writing is not what it's about, but the music the words make."- Truman Capote
"Words are the model, words are the tools, words are the boards, words are the nails."- Richard Rhodes
Have a great week!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Wasafiri New Writing Prize 2011
Renowned worldwide for featuring some of the best and brightest new talent, Wasafiri launched an annual New Writing Prize as part of its 25th anniversary celebrations in 2009. Now in its third year, the competition is open to anyone worldwide who has not published a complete book.
We are looking for creative submissions in one of three categories: Poetry, Fiction or Life Writing.
To enter, simply fill in the application form (via the link below) and send it to us with your entry and fee of UK Sterling £6.00 if entering one category, £10.00 for two and £15.00 for three categories (see terms and conditions via the link).
More information here
Thursday, June 9, 2011
New Release: Sentinel Nigeria&MTLS
Sentinel Magazine has a hot new issue. Straight from the creative stove. Many new writers, a new masthead and stories that will take your breath away. Take time and read their latest offering that focuses on the many-sided nature of life. Here's from the editorial:
"I return to the title of this editorial, “Aye pe meji”. Let us imagine each poem, story, essay, drama and review in this issue as roads named after authors, Ukamaka Olisakwe, Yolanda Mabuto, E. E. Sule, Al Sudani, Funmi Ogunlusi and so on, each showing the diversity of our world and the multiplicity of reality. This image is a correct one, seen from the ground. Aye pe meji. Yet, let us elevate this image, let us imagine a satellite image of Nigerian writing. All these diverse ways, alleys and avenues crisscrossing the map all run into each other, forming One Road. Aye pe meji. The kernel of this mind game, on which I shall end this editorial, is; though our worlds are different, good writing makes it One. This task of “making”, creating and awakening is, simply, the raison d’etre of the Sentinel Nigeria magazine whose sixth issue I proudly invite you to savour."
The muezzin, awake to God, awakes us,
Crying; his words splinter inside our ears,
While daylight sparks upon the splintered sea.
Look! The Bosphorus shines like bone. Next, blue dusk
Boils among black palms and gold minarets.
Then, night—fat with stars—shelters an Eden
Of exchange: Flood our mouths with wine and kisses;
That welling fanaticism is Want.
Rococo, turquoise, baroque, is the sea.
Surface gloss peals in scales of light, but you,
Albino houri, kindle flesh gold-black.
If pious, fluorescent mosques lock us out.
So be it: We kneel to a higher Love.
Yes, doff your watch: It’s time to make Time stop.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
On April 11, James Morgan wrote a piece titled "Why did LOL infiltrate the language?" about how LOL has been added to the Oxford Dictionary.
Why did LOL infiltrate the language? I think the question should be why not?
"The internet slang term "LOL" (laughing out loud) has been added to the Oxford English Dictionary, to the mild dismay of language purists. But where did the term originate? And is it really a threat to our lexicon?
"OMG! LOL's in the OED. LMAO!" If you find the above string of letters utterly unintelligible, you are clearly an internet "noob". Let me start again. Golly gosh! The popular initialism LOL (laughing out loud) has been inducted into the canon of the English language, the Oxford English Dictionary. Blimey! What is going on?
The OED defines LOL as an interjection "used chiefly in electronic communications... to draw attention to a joke or humorous statement, or to express amusement".
Language is living. It changes, and much of the changes creeps in on us. There are the 'language purists' I choose to call them, who think language is sacred and should not be stained by 'pulpy-words' picked from the garbage of the internet. Sad news. This garbage is part of our life, along with its language.
Why did LOL infiltrate the language? I think the question should be why not?
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Get Writing Again...
You've been stalling for a while. Your writing has suffered. Now you promise yourself, this week. It's Sunday. It's time to Get Writing. Read the inspirational Piece that should get you writing again.
"...don’t punish yourself if it doesn’t always flow. If that’s the case, just get out of the house and take a complete break. It’s not like a normal job and it can’t always be forced. But if you get to know your own rhythms and create an environment which will allow those creative juices to flow, then you’ll be well on the way. After that, whatever happens, just enjoy the process!"
"...don’t punish yourself if it doesn’t always flow. If that’s the case, just get out of the house and take a complete break. It’s not like a normal job and it can’t always be forced. But if you get to know your own rhythms and create an environment which will allow those creative juices to flow, then you’ll be well on the way. After that, whatever happens, just enjoy the process!"
Writing Advice from Tim Kevan on Writers and Artists
Have a great week ahead :)
Friday, June 3, 2011
Events this Weekend
Serendipity Sales@CORA
DADA stores presents a month long jumble sales event holding from the 4th of June till the 30th of June 2011. Tagged Serendipity Summer Sales, items on sale will be amazingly affordable and would range from house hold items like bed sheets to personal items like wallets, fashion items like bangles and of course, your favourite book titles from DADA books, Farafina, Cassava Republic, Festac Books and lots and lots of comics! Watch out for movies from Mainframe Productions, some of your favourite music CDs and of course great discounts all round! Stay tuned for updates on Serendipity Parties holding every Saturday in June as part of the Summer Sales event. You never know what you might discover and you never know who you’ll meet! Many of the items on sales are highly discounted. There will also be book readings next week.
Powered by DADA Books!
More info here.
Anthill at the Lifehouse
Theme: "I am NOT African: Rebirth at the Anthill"
The theme can be interpreted in a lot of ways, your interpretation of it is what makes you unique.
We are also dedicating this edition of anthill to Gil Scott-Heron (April 1, 1949 – May 27, 2011)
Date: Sunday 5th June, 2011.
Venue: The LifeHouse.
Time: 4:00pm
RSVP Event here
Thursday, June 2, 2011
A Memory of June by Claude McKay
IT's June already. The sixth month in the year. The days are slipping by. This is to wish you an amazing month ahead, and with a poem by Jamaican American poet Claude McKay, "A Memory of June." Enjoy!
When June comes dancing o'er the death of May,
With scarlet roses tinting her green breast,
And mating thrushes ushering in her day,
And Earth on tiptoe for her golden guest,
I always see the evening when we met--
The first of June baptized in tender rain--
And walked home through the wide streets, gleaming wet,
Arms locked, our warm flesh pulsing with love's pain.
I always see the cheerful little room,
And in the corner, fresh and white, the bed,
Sweet scented with a delicate perfume,
Wherein for one night only we were wed;
Where in the starlit stillness we lay mute,
And heard the whispering showers all night long,
And your brown burning body was a lute
Whereon my passion played his fevered song.
When June comes dancing o'er the death of May,
With scarlet roses staining her fair feet,
My soul takes leave of me to sing all day
A love so fugitive and so complete.
When June comes dancing o'er the death of May,
With scarlet roses tinting her green breast,
And mating thrushes ushering in her day,
And Earth on tiptoe for her golden guest,
I always see the evening when we met--
The first of June baptized in tender rain--
And walked home through the wide streets, gleaming wet,
Arms locked, our warm flesh pulsing with love's pain.
I always see the cheerful little room,
And in the corner, fresh and white, the bed,
Sweet scented with a delicate perfume,
Wherein for one night only we were wed;
Where in the starlit stillness we lay mute,
And heard the whispering showers all night long,
And your brown burning body was a lute
Whereon my passion played his fevered song.
When June comes dancing o'er the death of May,
With scarlet roses staining her fair feet,
My soul takes leave of me to sing all day
A love so fugitive and so complete.
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